Elizabeth Morey
Title: Mayor
Municipality: Town of Southern Shores
Position Interested In: District Representative - District 1
Tell us why you would like to serve in a leadership position at the League. In particular, specify goals you would like to accomplish as an officer or board member and indicate how, if attained, they will help to achieve Vision 2030 – the League’s future vision of how cities and towns will operate in 2030.
I would very much appreciate the opportunity to continue to represent the Northeastern North Carolina region on the Board to shine a bright light on the small coastal towns in the east and promote the coastal region of the State that faces unique challenges such as climate resilient infrastructure, loss of population, and economic opportunity.
Tell us about your experience as a municipal official. You may want to include information on your service on the municipal governing body, other related boards and special areas of interest.
Elected and Appointed Municipal Experience
I was appointed to the Planning Board and served for 8 years - the last 2 years as Chair. I was elected to Town Council in 2019 as a Council Member and then elected as Mayor in 2021.
NC League of Municipality Board Experience
I joined the board in the spring of 2022 as the District 1 representative. I have actively participated in Board meetings and have promoted the services and exemplary record of the League in my community.
Tell us about your educational background, professional experience, and/or community or civic activities.
B.S. Clemson University, Forest Management, M.S. NC State University, Soil Science
Work Experience
My work history includes extensive experience in both the public and private sector in the areas of forestry, environmental regulation and research and environmental health. I am retired from the Dare County Health Department.
Have You Participated in Any NCLM Events or Committees?
Town & State Dinner or Town Hall Days
Regional Meetings
Please provide any other information you would like the Nominations Committee to consider.
I have learned so much since joining the Board two years ago. I have enjoyed getting to know and learn from other Board members - very much appreciate the opportunity to make new friendships. I have especially enjoyed learning from the excellent staff of the League. The League is very fortunate to have such quality staff. Thank you for the opportunity.