Emanuel McGirt
Title: City Attorney
Municipality: City of Greenville
Position Interested In: Attorney At-Large
Tell us why you would like to serve in a leadership position at the League. In particular, specify goals you would like to accomplish as an officer or board member and indicate how, if attained, they will help to achieve Vision 2030 – the League’s future vision of how cities and towns will operate in 2030.
Local governments matter! I have served as a City Attorney or Assistant City Attorney for Cities in NC for the last nearly 27 years (first Durham for 20 years; and now Greenville for 6.5 years). I am interested in Cities in NC running efficiently and providing services to its citizens to promote a great quality of life. I would seek to help the League board show how Cities can demonstrate value adding to community's quality of life by promoting public safety, and promoting economic development. My City, Greenville, has partnered with the Greenville ENC Alliance to seek to bring job creation to eastern North Carolina.
Tell us about your experience as a municipal official. You may want to include information on your service on the municipal governing body, other related boards and special areas of interest.
I have served as the Greenville City Attorney for the last 6.5 years. During my tenure, I have worked with City staff and outside counsel to negotiate economic development deals that led to development agreement to construct a downtown hotel near ECU, and an agreement to bring a new fiber optic provider to City. In addition, I oversee all litigation including approval and recommendations of settlements; and interact with print and television media.
Tell us about your educational background, professional experience, and/or community or civic activities.
I am a graduate of UNC Law School and Morehouse College. I have practiced law for 30 years. I am also a licensed Baptist minister and currently serving in New Hope Presbytery as a supply or guest minister. As a supply minister, I periodically supply the pulpit when a pastor is absent or pulpit is vacant and my schedule permits me to serve.
Have You Participated in Any NCLM Events or Committees?
Town & State Dinner or Town Hall Days
Please provide any other information you would like the Nominations Committee to consider.
I am interested in serving on the Board as a representative of the NC Association of Municipal Attorneys.