Yvonne Johnson
Title: Mayor Pro Tem
Municipality: City of Greensboro
Position Interested In: Cities over 200,000 - Greensboro
Tell us why you would like to serve in a leadership position at the League. In particular, specify goals you would like to accomplish as an officer or board member and indicate how, if attained, they will help to achieve Vision 2030 – the League’s future vision of how cities and towns will operate in 2030.
To network with members around the state, to establish partnerships with near by cities for economic development opportunities.
To share and learn what is working well, especially in the area of affordable housing and providing livable wages.
Tell us about your experience as a municipal official. You may want to include information on your service on the municipal governing body, other related boards and special areas of interest.
I have served on the Greensboro City Council for 27 years. I have served as Council Woman At-Large, Mayor Pro Tem, and one term as Mayor. Have served on the TAC Committee. I am interested in economic development, safe and affordable housing, great public transportation, and job training.
Tell us about your educational background, professional experience, and/or community or civic activities.
I am a graduate of Bennett College, received my masters from NC A&T State University. I have served as a council liaison to Hope VI (Willow Oaks, Greensboro Housing Development Partnership, Board of Women's Resource Center, Board of Trustees (Chair) at Bennett College.
Have You Participated in Any NCLM Events or Committees?
CityVision Annual Conference
Town & State Dinner or Town Hall Days
Regional Meetings
Please provide any other information you would like the Nominations Committee to consider.